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Glory West
Her New Cuckoo

October 31, 2020

"The cuckoo is a parasitic species of bird that survives by laying its eggs in the nests of other birds. The cuckoo's eggs mimic the shape, size, and even color of the invaded nests, a sneaky shape shifter. Once the cuckoo hatches, it instinctively pushes the other eggs from the nest, killing its competition for food and love. While the cuckoo can grow up to three times larger than her surrogate mother, the mother will continue to feed her." 

trey burns sweet pass sculpture park

Performance Still

Megan Solis strives for a forceful intimacy with her audiences questioning the communal pursuit of happiness. Solis has authored and birthed her own heroine, Glory West, a love-sick blonde Texan, who navigates themes of desperation and loneliness creating concerts of unrequited lust, precarious displays of confidence and self conscious portraits of love for her fans. Glory West’s odyssey encapsulates a monstrous feminine mystique, holding tightly to both self-inflicted hysteria and hapless horror.

Click for video excerpt

trey burns sweet pass sculpture park

Performers Megan Solis and Randy Guthmiller

trey burns sweet pass sculpture park

Proposal Sketch